M. Zirnbauer | Particle-Hole Symmetries in Condensed Matter |
E. Koch | Mean-Field Theory: Hartree-Fock and BCS |
R. Scalettar | Understanding The Hubbard Model with Simple Calculations |
R. Eder | The Physics of Doped Mott Insulator |
E. Pavarini | Orbital Ordering in Materials |
R. Heid | Electron-Phonon Coupling |
J. Hirsch | Hole Superconductivity |
L. Greene | Unconventional Superconductivity: Overview and Planar Tunneling into a Kondo Lattice |
A. Kreisel | Unconventional Superconductivity: Mechanisms and Experimental Probes |
L. Benfatto | The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition and its Application to Superconducting Systems |
P. Chandra | Polar Quantum Criticality: Challenges and Opportunities |
S. Kettemann | Competition between Kondo Effect and RKKY Coupling |
S. Manmana | Quantum Magnetism In and Out of Equilibrium |
M. Holzmann | High-Pressure Phases of Hydrogen |
J. Léonard | Many-Body Localization |
E. Pavarini | Orbital Ordering in Materials |
A. Ceulemans | The Jahn-Teller Effect |
T. Mizokawa | Orbitally Induced Peierls Mechanism for Charge-Orbital Orderings in Transition-Metal Compounds |
R. Eder | Multiplets in Transition Metal Ions and Introduction to Multiband Hubbard Models |
E. Koch | Exchange Mechanisms |
A. Oleś | Spin-Orbital Entanglement in Mott Insulators |
H. Tjeng | Imaging Orbitals with X-rays |
E. Benckiser | Probing Spin, Charge and Orbital Degrees of Freedom by X-Ray Spectroscopy |
J. Chakhalian | Strong Correlations at Oxide Interfaces: What is Hidden in a Plane View? |
M. Vojta | Orbitals, Frustration and Quantum Criticality |
J. van den Brink | Quantum Compass and Kitaev Models |
S. Trebst | Kitaev Magnets |
M. Pederson | Self Interaction Corrections to Density Functional Theory |
A. Grüneis | Coupled-Cluster Theory for Materials Science |
N. Lanatà | Slave-Boson Theories of Multi-Orbital Correlated Systems |
B. Amadon | DMFT for f-Electron Systems |
A. Lichtenstein | Super-QMC: Strong Coupling Perturbation for Lattice Models |
D. Vollhardt | Why Calculate in Infinite Dimensions? |
G. Vignale | Fermi Liquids |
J. von Delft | The Physics of Quantum Impurity Models |
C. Weber | Machine Learning as a Solver for DMFT |
P. Werner | Quantum Monte Carlo Impurity Solvers |
E. Koch | Analytic Continuation of Quantum Monte Carlo Data |
A. Lichtenstein | LDA+DMFT for Strongly Correlated Materials |
E. Pavarini | DMFT for Linear Response Functions |
F. Lechermann | DFT+DMFT for Oxide Heterostructures |
M. Potthoff | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Topological Phases |
K. Held | Beyond DMFT: Spin Fluctuations, Pseudogaps and Superconductivity |
F. Aryasetiawan | The GW+EDMFT Method |
M. Eckstein | DMFT and GW+DMFT for Systems out of Equilibrium |
E. Koch | Second Quantization and Jordan-Wigner Representations |
K. Doll | Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry |
K. Burke | Lies My Teacher Told Me About Density Functional Theory: Seeing Through Them with the Hubbard Dimer |
P. Romaniello | Hubbard Dimer in GW and Beyond |
E. Pavarini | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Materials |
R. Eder | Green Functions and Self-Energy Functionals |
V. Janiš | Green Functions in the Renormalized Many-Body Perturbation Theory |
G. Stefanucci | An Essential Introduction to NEGF Methods for Real-Time Simulations |
C. Schilling | Orbital Entanglement and Correlation |
W. Hofstetter | Analog Quantum Simulations of the Hubbard Model |
K. Michielsen | Programming Quantum Computers |
L. Veis | Quantum Chemistry on Quantum Computers |
D. DiVincenzo | Quantum Computing — Quo Vadis? |
R. Jones | Density Functional Theory for the Correlated |
M. Foulkes | Variational Wave Functions for Molecules and Solids |
R. Drautz | From Electrons to Interatomic Potentials for Materials Simulations |
F. Neese | Effective Hamiltonians in Chemistry |
E. Koch | Multiplets and Spin-Orbit Coupling |
R. Eder | The Physics of Doped Mott Insulators |
J. Spałek | Mott Physics in Correlated Nanosystems |
E. Pavarini | LDA+DMFT: Linear Response Functions |
A. Lichtenstein | Correlated Matter: DMFT and Beyond |
R. Resta | Geometry and Topology in Many-Body Physics |
A. Schnyder | Topological Semimetals |
M. Sigrist | Aspects of Topological Superconductivity |
D. Sénéchal | Group-Theoretical Classification of Superconducting States |
R. Heid | Linear Response and Electron-Phonon Coupling |
F. Pollmann | Entanglement in Many-Body Systems |
M. Müller | Quantifying Spatial Correlations in General Quantum Dynamics |
X. Blase | Introduction to Density Functional Theory |
X. Ren | The Random Phase Approximation and its Application to Real Materials |
C. Umrigar | Introduction to Variational and Projector Monte Carlo |
A. Lüchow | Optimized Quantum Monte Carlo Wave Functions |
F. Becca | Variational Wave Functions for Strongly Correlated Fermionic Systems |
S. Zhang | Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo at Zero- and Finite-Temperature |
E. Koch | Exact Diagonalization and Lanczos Method |
M. Stoudenmire | Quantum Chemistry DMRG in a Local Basis |
K. Hallberg | Density Matrix Renormalization |
M. Rozenberg | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Mott Transition |
E. Pavarini | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Materials |
R. Eder | Analytic Properties of Self-Energy and Luttinger-Ward Functional |
J. Freericks | Introduction to Many-Body Green Functions In and Out Of Equilibrium |
A. Donarini | Electronic Transport in Correlated Single Molecule Junctions |
N. Prokof'ev | Diagrammatic Monte Carlo |
A. Sandvik | Stochastic Series Expansion Methods |
G. Ortiz | Algebraic Methods in Many-Body Physics |
D. Vollhardt | From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials |
O. Andersen | From Materials to Models: Deriving Insight from Bands |
F. Aryasetiawan | Effective Electron-Electron Interaction in Many-Electron Systems |
M. Kollar | The Foundations of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
M. Potthoff | Cluster Extensions of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
F. Lechermann | Charge Self-Consistency in Correlated Electronic Structure Calculations |
E. Pavarini | LDA+DMFT: Multi-Orbital Hubbard Models |
H. Tjeng | Determining Orbital Wavefunctions using Core-Level Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering |
H.G. Evertz | DMRG for Multiband Impurity Solvers |
F. Assaad | Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Fermion-Boson Problems |
E. Koch | Analytic Continuation of Quantum Monte Carlo Data |
H. Hafermann | Introduction to Diagrammatic Approaches |
T. Maier | Dynamical Mean-Field and Dynamical Cluster Approximation Based Theory of Superconductivity |
K. Held | Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in Diagrammatic Extension of DMFT |
M. Eckstein | Correlated Electrons out of Equilibrium: Non-Equilibrium DMFT |
R. Martin | Electronic Structure Computation Meets Strong Correlation: Guiding Principles |
R. Scalettar | Insulator, Metal, or Superconductor: The Criteria |
R. Resta | The Insulating State of Matter: A Geometrical Theory |
E. Koch | Exchange Mechanisms |
A. Oleś | Orbital Physics |
R. Eder | Introduction to the Hubbard Model |
P. Prelovšek | The Finite Temperature Lanczos Method and its Applications |
F. Gebhard | Gutzwiller Density Functional Theory |
E. Pavarini | Mott transition: DFT+U vs. DFT+DMFT |
A. Lichtenstein | Path Integrals and Dual Fermions |
V. Janiš | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Disordered Electrons: Coherent Potential Approximation and Beyond |
J. Kroha | Interplay of Kondo Effect and RKKY Interaction |
M. Fabrizio | Kondo Physics and the Mott Transition |
L. de'Medici | Hund's Metals Explained |
R. Heid | Electron-Phonon Coupling |
A. Sanna | Introduction to Superconducting Density Functional Theory |
G. Sawatzky | The Explicit Role of Anion States in High-Valence Metal Oxides |
E. Koch | Mean-Field Theory: Hartree-Fock and BCS |
M. Foulkes | Tight-Binding Models and Coulomb Interaction for s, p, and d Electrons |
R. Scalettar | An Introduction to the Hubbard Hamiltonian |
R. Eder | Multiplets in Transition-Metal Ions and Introduction to Multiband Hubbard Models |
F. Manghi | Multi-Orbital Cluster Perturbation Theory for Transition-Metal Oxides |
E. Pavarini | Orbital Ordering |
A. Läuchli | Studying Continuous Symmetry Breaking with Exact Diagonalization |
A. Alavi | Introduction to Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo |
L. Reining | Linear Response and More: the Bethe-Salpeter Equation |
D. van der Marel | Optical Properties of Correlated Electrons |
J. van den Brink | Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on Elementary Excitations |
H. Alloul | NMR in Correlated Electron Systems: Illustration on the Cuprates |
C. Hess | Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials |
P. Coleman | Heavy Fermions and the Kondo Lattice: A 21st Century Perspective |
K. Schönhammer | Spectroscopic Properties of Mixed-Valence Compounds in the Impurity Model |
E. Pavarini | Magnetism in Correlated Matter |
A. Nevidomskyy | The Kondo Model and Poor Man's Scaling |
T. Costi | Numerical Renormalization Group and Multi-Orbital Kondo Physics |
K. Ingersent | NRG with Bosons |
F. Mila | Frustrated Spin Systems |
V. Janiš | Introduction to Mean-Field Theory of Spin Glass Models |
R. Frésard | The Slave-Boson Approach to Correlated Fermions |
E. Koch | The Lanczos Method |
A. Mielke | The Hubbard Model and its Properties |
R. Eder | The Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model |
D. Sénéchal | Quantum Cluster Methods: CPT and CDMFT |
T. Maier | The Dynamical Cluster Approximation and its DCA+ Extension |
C. Franchini | Electronic Structure of Perovskites: Lessons from Hybrid Functionals |
D. Vollhardt | From Gutzwiller Wave Functions to Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Mott-transition |
G. Kotliar | Electronic Structure of Correlated Materials: Slave-Boson Methods and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
A. Georges | Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: Materials from an Atomic Viewpoint beyond the Landau Paradigm |
A. Lichtenstein | Development of the LDA_DMFT Approach |
T. Wehling | Projectors, Hubbard U, Charge Self-Consistency, and Double-Counting |
E. Pavarini | Linear Response Functions |
F. Assaad | Continuous-Time QMC Solvers for Electronic Systems in Fermionic and Bosonic Baths |
E. Koch | Quantum Cluster Methods |
M. Potthoff | Making Use of Self-Energy Functionals: The Variational Cluster Approximation |
K. Held | Dynamical Vertex Approximation |
W. Metzner | Functional Renormalization Group Approach to Interacting Fermi Systems: DMFT as a Booster Rocket |
M. Kollar | Correlated Electron Dynamics and Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
J. Minár | Theoretical Description of ARPES: The One-Step Model |
M. Sing | Introduction to Photoemission Spectroscopy |
H. Tjeng | Challenges from Experiment: Correlation Effects and Electronic Dimer Formation in Ti2O3 |
R. Jones | Density Functional Theory for Emergents |
E. Koch | Many-Electron States |
E. Pavarini | Magnetism: Models and Mechanisms |
R. Eder | The Variational Cluster Approximation |
A. Lichtenstein | Magnetism: From Stoner to Hubbard |
W. Krauth | Monte Carlo Methods with Application to Spin Systems |
S. Wessel | Monte Carlo Simulations of Quantum Spin Models |
J. Schnack | Quantum Theory of Molecular Magnetism |
B. Keimer | Recent Advances in Experimental Research on High-Temperature Superconductivity |
A. Tremblay | Strongly Correlated Superconductivity |
W. Pickett | Superconductivity: 2D Physics, Unknown Mechanisms, Current Puzzles |
R. Heid | Density Functional Perturbation Theory and Electron Phonon Coupling |
G. Ummarino | Eliashberg Theory |
D. Ceperley | Path Integral Methods for Continuum Quantum Systems |
S. Zhang | Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo for Correlated Electron Systems |
U. Schollwöck | DMRG: Ground States, Time Evolution, and Spectral Functions |
J. Eisert | Entanglement and Tensor Network States |
A. Lichtenstein | Correlated Electrons: Why we need models to understand real Materials |
D. Singh | Density Functional Theory and Applications to Transition Metal Oxides |
O. Andersen | NMTOs and their Wannier Functions |
M. Cococcioni | The LDA+U Approach: A Simple Hubbard Correction for Correlated Ground States |
J. Bünemann | The Gutzwiller Density Functional Theory |
E. Pavarini | Crystal-field Theory, Tight-binding Method, and Jahn-Teller Effect |
E. Koch | Exchange Mechanisms |
R. Eder | Multiplets in Transition Metal Ions |
O. Gunnarsson | Strongly Correlated Electrons: Estimates of Model Parameters |
R. Zeller | DFT-based Green Function Approach for Impurity Calculations |
F. Anders | The Kondo Effect |
R. Bulla | The Numerical Renormalization Group |
M. Jarrell | The Maximum Entropy Method |
A. Mishchenko | Stochastic Optimization for Analytical Continuation: When a priori Knowledge is Missing |
D. DiVincenzo | Introduction to Quantum Information |
N. Schuch | Entanglement in correlated quantum systems: A quantum information perspective |
D. Vollhardt | Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for Strongly Correlated Materials |
P. Blöchl | Theory and Practice of Density-Functional Theory |
F. Lechermann | Model Hamiltonians and Basic Techniques |
J. Kuneš | Wannier Functions and Construction of Model Hamiltonians |
M. Kollar | Introduction to Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
E. Pavarini | The LDA+DMFT Approach |
F. Aryasetiawan | The Constrained RPA Method for Calculating Hubbard U from First-Principles |
E. Koch | The Lanczos Method |
N. Blümer | Hirsch-Fye Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Dynamical Mean-Field Theory |
P. Werner | Continuous-Time Impurity Solvers |
A. Lichtenstein | Non-Local Correlations in Solids: Beyond DMFT |
H. Ebert | Multiple-Scattering Formalism for Correlated Systems: A KKR-DMFT Approach |
K. Held | Hedin Equations, GW, GW+DMFT, and all That |
H. Tjeng | Challenges from Experiment |