
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons:
Topology, Entanglement, and Strong Correlations

21-25 September 2020, Forschungszentrum Jülich — Online-Edition


Topology and entanglement are key concepts in many-body physics. Understanding the associated emergent phenomena beyond toy models — in the world of real strongly-correlated materials — requires the mastery of a wealth of different methods. These encompass analytical tools such as group theory, first principles techniques based on density-functional theory, materials-specific model-building schemes, as well as advanced modern numerical approaches for solving realistic many-body models.

This year’s school will provide students with an overview of the state-of-the art of these methods, their successes and their limitations. After introducing the basics, lectures will present the core concepts of topology and entanglement in many-body systems. To make contact to real materials, strategies for building materials specific models and techniques for their solution will be introduced. Among the latter, the school will cover quantum Monte Carlo methods, construction and optimization of correlated wave-functions, recursion and renormalization group techniques, as well as dynamical mean-field theory. More advanced lectures will give a pedagogical overview on topological materials and their physics: topological metals, semimetals, and superconductors. Towards the end of the school entanglement in quantum dynamics and perspectives in quantum computation will be discussed.

The goal of the school is to introduce advanced graduate students and up to these modern approaches for the realistic modeling of strongly correlated materials.

group photo



Click on the lecture for the slides.

  Mon 21 Sept Tue 22 Sept Wed 23 Sept Thu 24 Sept Fri 25 Sept
13:00 VC setup Multiplets & SO
E. Koch
15:00 DFT
R. Jones
F. Neese
E. Pavarini
Doped Mott
R. Eder
J. Spałek
17:00 Topology
R. Resta

book draft
Topol Semimetals
A. Schnyder
Dual Fermions
A. Lichtenstein
Topol Supercond
M. Sigrist
F. Pollmann
19:00 VMC
M. Foulkes
Interatomic Potentials
R. Drautz
Linear Response DFT
R. Heid
Symmetry in Supercond
D. Sénéchal
Correlation Measures
M. Müller

Lecture Notes

book cover The lecture notes have been published as an OpenAccess book:

Eva Pavarini and Erik Koch (eds.)
Topology, Entanglement, and Strong Correlations
Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 10
Verlag des Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2020
ISBN 978-3-95806-466-9


Autumn School on Correlated Electrons

Overview of the Schools in the Series

The School is supported by

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