DMFT: From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials
Lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2018
- Dieter Vollhardt
From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials
- Ole Andersen
From Materials to Models: Deriving Insight from Bands
- Ferdi Aryasetiawan
Effective Electron-Electron Interaction in Many-Electron Systems
- Marcus Kollar
The Foundations of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
- Michael Potthoff
Cluster Extensions of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
- Frank Lechermann
Charge Self-Consistency in Correlated Electronic Structure Calculations
- Eva Pavarini
LDA+DMFT: Multi-Orbital Hubbard Models
- Hao Tjeng
Determining Orbital Wavefunctions using Core-Level Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
- Hans Gerd Evertz
DMRG for Multiband Impurity Solvers
- Fakher Assaad
Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Fermion-Boson Problems
- Erik Koch
Analytic Continuation of Quantum Monte Carlo Data
- Hartmut Hafermann
Introduction to Diagrammatic Approaches
- Thomas Maier
Dynamical Mean-Field and Dynamical Cluster Approximation Based Theory of Superconductivity
- Karsten Held
Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in Diagrammatic Extensions of DMFT
- Martin Eckstein
Correlated Electrons out of Equilibrium: Non-Equilibrium DMFT
OpenAccess Book
The lecture notes have been published as a book:
Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Alexander Lichtenstein, and Dieter Vollhardt (eds.)
DMFT: From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials
Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 8
Verlag des Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2018
ISBN 978-3-95806-313-6
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons
Overview of the Schools in the Series