The LDA+DMFT approach to strongly correlated matter
Lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2011
- Eva Pavarini and Erik Koch
- Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for Strongly Correlated Materials
- Peter Blöchl
Theory and Practice of Density-Functional Theory
- Frank Lechermann
Model Hamiltonians and Basic Techniques
- Jan Kuneš
Wannier Functions and Construction of Model Hamiltonians
- Marcus Kollar
Introduction to Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
- Eva Pavarini
The LDA+DMFT Approach
- Ferdi Aryasetiawan
The Constrained RPA Method for Calculating the Hubbard U from First-Principles
- Erik Koch
The Lanczos Method
- Nils Blümer
Hirsch-Fye Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
- Philipp Werner
Continuous-Time Impurity Solvers
- Alexander Lichtenstein
Non-Local Correlation Effects in Solids: Beyond DMFT
- Hubert Ebert
Multiple-Scattering Formalism for Correlated Systems: a KKR-DMFT Approach
- Karsten Held
Hedin Equations, GW, GW+DMFT, and All That
- Hao Tjeng
Challenges from Experiment
OpenAccess Book
The lecture notes have been published as a book:
Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Dieter Vollhardt, and Alexander Lichtenstein (eds.)
The LDA+DMFT approach to strongly correlated materials
Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1
Verlag des Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2011
ISBN 978-3-89336-734-4
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons
Overview of the Schools in the Series