Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Electrons
Lecture slides of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022
- Dieter Vollhardt
Why Calculate in Infinite Dimensions?
- Giovanni Vignale
Fermi Liquids
- Jan von Delft
The Physics of Quantum Impurity Models
- Cedric Weber
Machine Learning as a Solver for DMFT
- Philipp Werner
Quantum Monte Carlo Impurity Solvers
- Erik Koch
Analytic Continuation of Quantum Monte Carlo Data
- Alexander Lichtenstein
LDA+DMFT for Strongly Correlated Materials
- Eva Pavarini
DMFT for Linear Response Functions
- Frank Lechermann
DFT+DMFT for Oxide Heterostructures
- Michael Potthoff
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Correlated Topological Phases
- Karsten Held
Beyond DMFT: Spin Fluctuations, Pseudogaps and Superconductivity
- Martin Eckstein
DMFT and GW+DMFT for Systems out of Equilibrium
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons
Overview of the Schools in the Series