Quantum Materials: Experiments and Theory
Lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2016
- George Sawatzky
The Explicit Role of Anion States in High-Valence Metal Oxides
- Erik Koch
Mean-Field Theory: Hartree-Fock and BCS
- Matthew Foulkes
Tight-Binding Models and Coulomb Interaction for s, p, and d Electrons
- Richard Scalettar
An Introduction to the Hubbard Hamiltonian
- Robert Eder
Multiplets in Transition-Metal Ions and Introduction to Multiband Hubbard Models
- Franca Manghi
Multi-Orbital Cluster Perturbation Theory for Transition-Metal Oxides
- Eva Pavarini
Orbital Ordering
- Andreas Läuchli
Studying Continuous Symmetry Breaking with Exact Diagonalization
- Ali Alavi
Introduction to Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo
- Lucia Reining
Linear Response and More: the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
- Dirk van der Marel
Optical Properties of Correlated Electrons
- Jeroen van den Brink
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on Elementary Excitations
- Henri Alloul
NMR in Correlated Electron Systems: Illustration on the Cuprates
- Christian Hess
Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials
OpenAccess Book
The lecture notes have been published as a book:
Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Jeroen van den Brink, and George Sawatzky (eds.)
Quantum Materials: Experiments and Theory
Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 6
Verlag des Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2016
ISBN 978-3-95806-159-0
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons
Overview of the Schools in the Series