Many-Body Physics: From Kondo to Hubbard
Lecture slides of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2015
- Piers Coleman
Heavy Fermions and the Kondo Lattice: A 21st Century Perspective
- Kurt Schönhammer
Spectroscopic Properties of Mixed-Valence Compounds in the Impurity Model
- Eva Pavarini
Magnetism in Correlated Matter
- Andriy Nevidomskyy
The Kondo Model and Poor Man's Scaling
- Theo Costi
Numerical Renormalization Group and Multi-Orbital Kondo Physics
- Kevin Ingersent
NRG with Bosons
- Frédéric Mila
Frustrated Spin Systems
- Václav Janiš
Introduction to Mean-Field Theory of Spin Glass Models
- Raymond Frésard
The Slave-Boson Approach to Correlated Fermions
- Erik Koch
The Lanczos Method
- Andreas Mielke
The Hubbard Model and its Properties
- Robert Eder
The Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
- David Sénéchal
Quantum Cluster Methods: CPT and CDMFT
- Thomas Maier
The Dynamical Cluster Approximation and its DCA+ Extension
- Cesare Franchini
Electronic Structure of Perovskites: Lessons from Hybrid Functionals
Autumn School on Correlated Electrons
Overview of the Schools in the Series